The Deuce Blog

Just another weblog

Three Kinds of Democrats

So in the run up to election day, I have been debating what to write on my blog in the limited time that I have had lately with a new born a full time job and working on my master’s degree.

So I am going to write what I call the Three Kinds of Democrats. Type 1 are Democrats that think it’s cool and are against the “system” or ant-establishment.  Type 2 are the ones that feel like this party is looks out for the poor and less fortunate and minorities above anything else. Type 3 Democrats are those that are claim they are Democrats but are really the true Socialist/Marxists/Communists of the party. The goal isn’t to help the masses but to control the masses. Let me discuss these types a little further.

Type 1:

These guys are the animal rights, global warming, hired protesters of the group. Mostly made up of college kids to mid-thirties, they take up these causes because they either really believe in some specific liberal ideological issue or they are hired by liberal groups for political events. This group may or may not continue working these causes after school. I look at this group at those that enjoy being a part of what ever political fad is being promoted at the time.

Type 2

These are your true Democrats in the sense they have a fundamental belief in the Democratic Party and what they stand for. They are not extremist, and are likely uncomfortable with the current party leaders and where they have taken they have taken their party.

This kind of Democratic believes that women should have the right to an abortion but wouldn’t likely have one themselves. They believe that unions are still needed to protect the workers from large corporations, and they believe in a strong national defense, but that the Army should be used to deter attacks on American not to be used unless absolutely necessary. They believe that Democrats are care takers of the less fortunate and minorities. They see some commonalities with Republicans and likely center-right Clinton, Liebermann, McCain type beliefs To sum these Dems up they are the JFK Democrats.

Type 3.

These are the most dangerous of all to America. These are the Socialist/Marxists/Communists leaders that have stolen the Democratic Party. These are the Nancy Pelosi, Harry Ried, and Barrack Obama’s of the nation. What makes them so dangerous is the fact that they are the current leaders of the nation. Their goal has nothing to do with making it better for the middle class or minorities. It’s about controlling the masses. Control Type 1 by giving avenues for them to make their voice heard, and they pay just enough lip service to the “middle class” issues of Type 2 concerns to keep both groups happy. What we should be concerned most with though is Obama and his agenda.

Obamacare, TARP, the bailouts are about weakening our nation and forcing more people to rely on the government. Why else would he extend unemployment for 99 weeks? Why else would he believe the government should mandate healthcare. If you control access to healthcare for the people then you will effectively control the people. This Type 3 Democrat is about transforming this society to two class, the ruling class (which are themselves), and everyone else.  Just like every other time Communism/Socialism has been tried, the middle class and poor get poorer while the ruling class gets richer and more powerful, and then controls and exploits the lives of everyone

Type 2 Dems; take back your party because the current leaders are destroying it and this nation. We will never agree about every issue but we don’t need this fundamental change that Obama has been trying to force on us since he has been elected.

October 31, 2010 Posted by | Bailout, Congress, Election 2010, Foreign Policy, government, Military, Money, President Obama, Retirement, Tea Party | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Twas the Weekend Before Christmas

Twas the weekend before Christmas and all though the country, 
All parents and children were hoping for a turn around in the economy
They stared at their paychecks with looks of fright,
How could they possibly afford presents to give out on Christmas night?
Our U.S Senators were snug in their taxpayer paid beds,
With visions, of Bailouts, Climate Change, and Healthcare reform dancing in there heads.
Harry Reid and Barrack Obama were talking on the phone with each other,
Plotting more ways to take away my hard earned dollars.
When out on the White House Lawn arose such a clatter,
The President walked out to see what was the matter.
Obama looked out on the lawn far and near,
And what he saws were Americans that felt anger and fear.
The moon light reflected the tears in their eyes.
As they chanted “Enough, Enough with your damn Lies!”
President Obama turn and said someone get me a phone,
He called Secret Service and said make these people go home.
The crowd left the White House frightened and dismayed,
But on they marched to the Capital full of rage.
They demanded that Congress listen to the people, not the puppet-master,
For it there is no doubt that this Health Care bill will be nothing but a disaster.
Vote Spector, Vote Lieberman, Vote Brown, Vote Nelson; vote yes on this bill,
President Obama shouted as he drove up to Capital Hill.
I am keeping score, so if you allow this to be undone,
The next time you run for office, I wish you luck on raising any funds.
Now that Christmas Eve is upon us the Senate has met
To pass a Healthcare Bill that no one could vet.
The Democrats waited with patience and glee
They finally had the votes pass this and flee
And now the President waits for the bills to merge
He hopes that this will result in an approval surge,
Little do any of these lawmakers realized what’s at hand
This is something that we will never let stand
Did they not listen this summer? The people asked
Or is they just don’t care enough to remember the past
The citizens of this country are tired and afraid,
The direction this government is taking us is clearly the wrong way.
Even with these actions all is not lost, and much is to gain,
People are rising up rather than staying on this crazy train.
They are coming together from all walks of life,
Because they understand who is causing this strife.
Rallies and Tea Parties have started all across this great nation, the people are now awake
Because despite our governments best effort we understand what is a stake
No longer will we take this government abuse of power.
Stakes are too high, and now we must fight for our rights this very hour
The ACLU and liberals can try to take our liberties and safety away,
But unlike politicians, the American people will fight this battle in every way.
Keep the Terrorist out of our nation we yell and scream,
Guantanamo Bay Cuba is where they need to be.
The Senate met under the cloak of night,
Because they know they are trampling on all our rights.
The Democrats thumbed their nose at all us all,
But come Election Day 2010 we will see who will fall
So on Christmas day let our message be heard on every radio and TV station,
The people will take back our power from this Obama-nation,
We are coming together again as one people; and this is a wonderful sight,
Merry Christmas to all, and GOD Bless us all on this solemn night!     

December 24, 2009 Posted by | Bailout, Christmas, Congress, Foreign Policy, government, Military, Money, Politics, President Obama, Tea Party | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Destroying America

Never before in my life have I been so fearful of the direction that this country is going. President Obama is taking us down a road that few of us could have ever imagined and sadly that most Americans are paying little attention too. One by one President Obama is destroying every major industry in this country and turning them into a government run mess.

On top of that President Obama has been going around and apologizing to the world for being America.  He is putting this county and all Americans in grave danger from not governing from a position of strength. Does anyone think that it is a coincidence that North Korea started acting like high school bullies as soon has President Bush left office? 

Say what you want about President Bush, he was respected by our allies, and feared by our enemies. Unfortunately this is no longer the case with President Obama and like during the ineptitude of the foreign policy debacle of the President Clinton Administration I fear Americans will pay for the mistakes of this President with their lives.

What ever happened to the Democratic Party of John F Kennedy and FDR? While we can debate their Domestic Agenda not even the farthest right Republican could question their ability or resolve to protect our nation. How can President Obama be talking about disarming our nuclear arsenal and our missile defense system when North Korea is threatening to fire missiles towards Hawaii?

It is going to be up to the grassroots efforts of the average American like Mike Wilson of the Cincinnati Tea Party to stop this madness. Americans can no longer afford to stand on the sidelines when it comes to voting. We  must demand accountability from all of our leaders Republicans and Democrats. Politics as usual must stop!

It could be argued if we had a Congress with a backbone that President Obama actions are rising to the level that Congress should be considering removing him from office. Their is very little doubt he is a National Security risk and is failing to live up to his constitutional duties. Unfortunately his pals in Congress are no better, and the Republican track record after 2000 isn’t much better.

Real reform is needed. We need new leaders,  bold leaders, leaders that are willing to do what it takes to either bring the old Conservative Republican Party back or create a new party that will fight to restore true American values. We need these leaders at all levels of goverment. Unless we as a nation are willing to get up off the couch, quit playing our videos games, and stop getting sucked into the black hole of Obamamaina that the media feeds us everyday we will become the very type of nation that our brave military fought to protect us from during WWI and WWII.

June 23, 2009 Posted by | Bailout, Cincinnati, Congress, Foreign Policy, government, Military, Politics, President Obama, Tea Party | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Part 5: Why I am running for Cincinnati City Council.

Cincinnati has suffered for going on almost two decades with a lack of leadership and a lack of vision. This has cost our city dearly. We have seen such projects as the stadiums and the Banks become a laughing stock. Redevelopment of Downtown is not where it should be. Crime over the last 10 years has been at unacceptable levels, and our school system has new building but the same old problems. I could go on but we all understand the challenges that Cincinnati faces. The question that you are asking yourself is why should you vote for me? 

You should vote for me because I represent what Cincinnati leadership should be about. I am person that understands that status quo is no longer acceptable. We need new people in office that are not beholden to the same tired idea’s that got us here in the first place. We need people with backgrounds that are more than just being a lawyer or a career politician as we have had many times in the past. We need people on council that understand the daily struggles that the average Cincinnatian faces. I feel that living and growing up in Cincinnati I am acutely  aware  of the struggles that most of us face living in Cincinnati. 

I have been married to my wife Jamie for nine years, and we have one son that is almost three years old. While we have been married we have both gone to college while working full-time and have purchased our own home. Like many families to make ends meet and to have a little extra, we both are currently working full time and I also have second job that I work part-time. Even with all of this we would be considered living “average middleclass lifestyle”. I mention this not to brag but to say that I understand everyday struggles that hard working Cincinnatians face.   

Growing up in Cincinnati and going to C.A.P.E. (Cincinnati Academy of Physical Education) and Western Hills High School, I understand the concerns that people have with our school system. We must improve this system and when I am elected to council I will push for council to take an active role in being a partners with CPS to make our school district the best public school district in Ohio.  

We must have a renewed focus on education and provid opportunities for all students to learn and succeed. Some may argue that this should be left up to the Cincinnati Public School Board to handle. They have been handling it for this long with very little in the way of results. Our children’s education directly affects the quality of life for those of us that live in Cincinnati. Students that have a better education will be less likely to commit crimes. We need real solutions to fixing our crime problem, I feel rather than using gimmicks, improving our education system will gives us a great opportunity to reduce crime in Cincinnati.  

I am running for Cincinnati City Council because I would rather help change our city for the better than be another person that has given up and moved away. We have real problems that need to be addressed. Cincinnati City Council must improve its relationship with its minority population and finally address their concerns in a meaningful way. We must have a redevelopment plan for all our neighborhoods that doesn’t continually displace our less fortunate citizens. We must have leaders of Cincinnati that are more worried about the citizens of this city than their political careers and aren’t beholden to special interest groups or business. We have paid a steep price over the years for the lack of leadership at City Hall. I realize that change can be hard, but to move this city forward a change on Cincinnati City Council is a must.  

Vote for Darryl Cordrey II for Cincinnati City Council not because I am well connected or a lifetime politician, vote for me because I am the average Cincinnatian that will fight not for a just one neighborhood or one group of people. I will fight for what is best for all that call Cincinnati home.

May 20, 2009 Posted by | Bailout, Cincinnati, government, Money, Ohio, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Three: Socio-Economic Issues

Cincinnati is no different than many cities throughout the country that are dealing with socio-economic issues or what I like to call class warfare. What will hopefully be different is how we as citizens and what our elected officials will do to engage this issue in a manner that this beneficial to all that live in Cincinnati. The citizens of Cincinnati need to not only elect officials that have the vision to move forward with improving our infrastructure and increase our tax base through new business, but we must elect officials that understand while doing this we cannot leave behind those in need like we have so many times in the past. 

When it comes to economic development in Cincinnati I feel many times we do this at the expense of the poor in this city. We seem to take the attitude that if we can move the poor out and create “ a better neighborhood” then it will make Cincinnati as a whole better. I would argue that in fact that this has made our city worse. The reason why this is the case is because we are forcing the poor out of more of our neighborhoods in Cincinnati and they are moving into more concentrated areas, which is increasing crime in those areas like for example Price Hill. I am by no means saying that all people are criminals what I am saying that statistics show that poorer areas tend to have more crime. 

All plans with regards to neighborhood redevelopment should be sensitive to the potential displacement of all residents in the area whether they are rich or poor.  I am not saying that those projects should not move forward, what I am saying is lets find a way to improve our city by helping the residents that live within the the city while attracting new residents rather than trying to move out the poor and lower middle class in favor of those that are rich. We can be sensitive to those in need and that our less fortunate than us and still move Cincinnati forward with redevelopment. 

This is why I favor of Smart-Growth Policy’s and Form-based Codes when it comes to neighborhood redevelopment. This isn’t some new government program that wastes millions of dollars a year on programs to win the vote of a particular block of voters. This is plan that encourages mixed use and mixed income growth. It promotes such ideas as having a livable walker friendly neighborhood that can support business growth for customers of all income levels. It also supports the idea of a viable public transportation system that is accessible and user friendly to all types of people for all types of uses. 

I know it seems unusual for a Conservative to even want to bring up this issue especially when it comes running for Cincinnati City Council. Usually Conservatives want to scream we need more police and more jails to solve our crime problem. While I agree that we need more jail space, I do not believe that more police or jail space is the only answer. Raising taxes to solve this problem or adding more wasteful government spending is not the answer either. City Council needs to address the socio-economic issues while promoting growth instead of just promoting growth. We as a city cannot continually forgot about our poor for the sake of growth and expect to become a first class city. The cities that are successful are the ones that have found that balance. When I am elected to Cincinnati City Council I will promote growth in infrastructure and in making public transportation adequate for all that live in Cincinnati while also working to give those that need it better opportunities to improve themselves and to succeed in Cincinnati.

April 22, 2009 Posted by | Bailout, Cincinnati, government, Money, Ohio, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

My Thoughts on the Cincinnati Tea Party

What a great event that Mike Wilson put together this past Sunday. Being down at Fountain Square was truly inspiring. To see so many people come together for such an important issue and to hear so many great speakers gives me hope that we can stop these terrible fiscal policies that are being force-fed to us.

There is no doubt that our government is taxing us into socialism. The T.A.R.P. and the stimulus bills have proven that. We need to find and elect strong fiscally conservative leaders at all levels of government. We need our leaders to give our country back to the people before it is completely taken from us.

Let me again say thank you to Mike Wilson for putting in the time and effort it takes in putting this event and the April 15th event together, and to all the speakers for the inspiring messages. It only takes an event like this to remind us how great of a nation we are. Lets keep this movement going and bring true change to America. A change back to a day where American leaders place the American people above the lobbyist that fund them and political parties they represent.

March 19, 2009 Posted by | Bailout, Cincinnati, government, Money, Ohio, Politics, Retirement, Tea Party | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Another one bites the dust!!!

So this is how the most ethical and clean administration of all-time is going to look? How many Obama appointments will it take for the American people to wake up and realize that this President is no different than any other one. Having one nominee run into issues with taxes is excusable, but THREE!!! And one of them is running the IRS. If this would have been you or I that had did this, some how I think we would be in a little more trouble than what these three are facing. Ladies and Gentlemen this is Chicago Machine Politics at work, and the sooner we realize it, the fast we can get over our fantasy of the Great Obama saving us all.

Hopefully now that some of the shine has been tarnished off of the Obama administration Republicans in the Senate will follow their peers in the House and stand united against an administration that has yet to give us any real answers to our nations problems.

February 4, 2009 Posted by | Bailout, government, Money, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment