The Deuce Blog

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My thoughts on Romney and who he should pick for Vice President

With Rich Santorum and Newt Gingrich dropping out of the GOP primary it clears the way for Mitt Romney to become the GOP nominee.  Mitt Romney was not my first choice as the GOP nominee but that doesn’t mean I won’t support him. I do have questions about how conservative he is because of his decisions as Governor of Massachusetts. He is the de facto Godfather of Obamacare by creating Romney care. I do not feel that these issues make me so uneasy that I could not support Romney for President against Obama.  Let’s not forget that many including myself saw Romney as the conservative alternative to John McCain in 2008. While my preference would have been another candidate; now is the time as a party to come together and turn our attention to beating Barrack Obama in November.

Where does Romney’s strengths lay going forward against the President? In this economy, Mitt needs to focus on his business background. He needs to beat this point to death and challenge the President on this every chance he gets. The first time that Barrack Obama has ran anything that closely resembles a business is when he became President.  Mitt should pounce on this and remind everyone how he made the Salt Lake City Olympics successful.  He should reinforce how many jobs he created and much tax dollars he generated without raising taxes and how much his business contributed the benefit of the communities they were in (i.e. charities…etc.).

National Security is another key area where Governor Romney can beat President Obama. Obama has shown that he is going to try to exploit the fact that Bin Laden was killed during his time as Commander-in-Chief. Mitt can counter that by reminding everyone that it was President Bush’s policies that worked to make this happen. I would also recommend at strategy going forward that he will not use the military as political tool the way President Obama has done with Seal Team Six.  This would hit home with many conservatives and show that unlike President Obama he will focus more on keep us safe rather than campaigning his during his entire presidency.

The final area I believe Mitt should concentrate on reminding voters on the huge difference between him and President Obama is for Supreme Court nominations.  It is likely that during the next 4 years there could be 3-5 justices to leave the bench and the court would likely shift one way or the other during the next administration. It is important for Romney to remind voters and especially conservatives that are not enthused by his nomination that he would nominate those like Roberts, Alito, and Scalia rather than Obama who seeks ultra-liberals.

Let’s talk VP picks. I believe picking the correct running mate is more important now that it has ever been because of the 24-hr news cycle. The media is relentless covering politics and will dissect very thing possible about a VP choice, especially the GOP VP choice. It is important obviously that the VP choice is qualified and ready to become President if need be.  Other qualifications that should be considered in this social media driven news cycle are:

–          The ability to energize and mobilize voters, for Romney this is especially true of the conservative base.

–           The ability to balance the ticket. Similar to what Gov. Palin did in 2008. She was able to motivate the conservatism to vote for McCain who has had the label of RINO associated with him for a number of years. If Palin had not been on the ticket McCain would have lost by a far wider margin than what he did.

While Senator Rob Portman has been rumored to be the VP nominee and he is someone that I feel is highly qualified for the position I do not feel he is the right choice this time. I feel that their are better candidates with similar qualities as Senator Portman but have the ability to connect and motivate conservatives. My recommendation would be either Congressman Paul Ryan, Governor Walker of Wisconsin, and Senator Marco Rubio. Each of these candidates have become stars inside the tea party and have shown the leadership needed to step in and become President if need be. While they will be attacked relentlessly by liberals they have already shown the ability to handle those attacks in a positive manner and come out on top.

May 6, 2012 Posted by | Constitution, Election 2012, Foreign Policy, government, Guns Rights, Military, Money, Ohio, Osama Bin Laden, Politics, President Obama, Sarah Palin, Tea Party, terrorism, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

My GOP Endorsement

Well the race for the GOP nomination is heating up and no matter what the pundits and the establishment tells us, there is a long way to go after Florida. This primary is a referendum of the GOP establishment. Conservatives are sick and tired of the establishment shoving down our throats moderate RINO’s as presidential candidates. They did it to us in 1996 with Bob Dole and again in 2008 with John McCain, they both lost. They are trying to do this again by anointing Mitt Romney, which has done more to hurt his candidacy than anything.  It is time for conservatives to elect the most conservative candidate in the field and nominate him for President, because unless Obama pulls off a Kennedy style election result throughout the country like JFK did in Illinois in 1960, whoever the GOP nominee is, that person will be President in January.

With that said I am endorsing Newt Gingrich as the GOP nominee for President. I feel he is the best of the group that is left running and while his personal life is better compared to Bill Clinton than that of George H.W. Bush, I feel that his track record as a Congressman and as Speaker of the House is far more conservative than Governor Romney and far outweighs what has happened in his personal life, especially given that his actions in question were almost 20 years ago. There is no argument that Speaker Gingrich was one of the leaders of the Conservative resurgence in the 1990’s and delivered a major in both houses in 1994, which was the first time this happened in a generation.


I am tired of watching RINO’s lead the GOP and completely ignore the conservatives. The establishment fails to aggressively promote the Republican and Conservative agenda and it has bit this county in the ass, culminating in 2006 we lost Congress and the support of the people, and deservedly so. Now we are left with a President that makes Jimmy Carter look like a moderate. The Tea Party Conservatives have taken the bull by the horns and at least restore sanity to one branch of Government and if they can beat back the establishment we will successful retake the Senate in 2012. Republican moderates are not successful in a Presidential Election. We must have a candidate that can motivate the base and articulate conservative ideals that the majority of Americans believe in. While Romney may be more conservative than his track record as Governor of Massachusetts, but can we afford taking that chance when the stakes are so high? We must elect someone that we are sure holds our conservative values, especially when it comes to National Defense, the Military, the Economy, and upholding the Constitution.

In the end I am endorsing and will vote for Newt Gingrich because I feel his actions in Congress and since he has left Congress have far outweighed whatever Mitt Romney and others can come up with. Newt has walked the walk. His leadership forced President Clinton to reform welfare, and balanced the budget. While he isn’t the best looking or the “sexiest” candidate out there he is the one with a proven track record. In this perilous time we can’t afford to take chances and while we still have a choice, Mitt Romney is not a chance worth taking.

January 30, 2012 Posted by | Congress, Constitution, Election 2012, Foreign Policy, government, Guns Rights, Military, Money, Politics, President Obama, Tea Party | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Three Kinds of Democrats

So in the run up to election day, I have been debating what to write on my blog in the limited time that I have had lately with a new born a full time job and working on my master’s degree.

So I am going to write what I call the Three Kinds of Democrats. Type 1 are Democrats that think it’s cool and are against the “system” or ant-establishment.  Type 2 are the ones that feel like this party is looks out for the poor and less fortunate and minorities above anything else. Type 3 Democrats are those that are claim they are Democrats but are really the true Socialist/Marxists/Communists of the party. The goal isn’t to help the masses but to control the masses. Let me discuss these types a little further.

Type 1:

These guys are the animal rights, global warming, hired protesters of the group. Mostly made up of college kids to mid-thirties, they take up these causes because they either really believe in some specific liberal ideological issue or they are hired by liberal groups for political events. This group may or may not continue working these causes after school. I look at this group at those that enjoy being a part of what ever political fad is being promoted at the time.

Type 2

These are your true Democrats in the sense they have a fundamental belief in the Democratic Party and what they stand for. They are not extremist, and are likely uncomfortable with the current party leaders and where they have taken they have taken their party.

This kind of Democratic believes that women should have the right to an abortion but wouldn’t likely have one themselves. They believe that unions are still needed to protect the workers from large corporations, and they believe in a strong national defense, but that the Army should be used to deter attacks on American not to be used unless absolutely necessary. They believe that Democrats are care takers of the less fortunate and minorities. They see some commonalities with Republicans and likely center-right Clinton, Liebermann, McCain type beliefs To sum these Dems up they are the JFK Democrats.

Type 3.

These are the most dangerous of all to America. These are the Socialist/Marxists/Communists leaders that have stolen the Democratic Party. These are the Nancy Pelosi, Harry Ried, and Barrack Obama’s of the nation. What makes them so dangerous is the fact that they are the current leaders of the nation. Their goal has nothing to do with making it better for the middle class or minorities. It’s about controlling the masses. Control Type 1 by giving avenues for them to make their voice heard, and they pay just enough lip service to the “middle class” issues of Type 2 concerns to keep both groups happy. What we should be concerned most with though is Obama and his agenda.

Obamacare, TARP, the bailouts are about weakening our nation and forcing more people to rely on the government. Why else would he extend unemployment for 99 weeks? Why else would he believe the government should mandate healthcare. If you control access to healthcare for the people then you will effectively control the people. This Type 3 Democrat is about transforming this society to two class, the ruling class (which are themselves), and everyone else.  Just like every other time Communism/Socialism has been tried, the middle class and poor get poorer while the ruling class gets richer and more powerful, and then controls and exploits the lives of everyone

Type 2 Dems; take back your party because the current leaders are destroying it and this nation. We will never agree about every issue but we don’t need this fundamental change that Obama has been trying to force on us since he has been elected.

October 31, 2010 Posted by | Bailout, Congress, Election 2010, Foreign Policy, government, Military, Money, President Obama, Retirement, Tea Party | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Twas the Weekend Before Christmas

Twas the weekend before Christmas and all though the country, 
All parents and children were hoping for a turn around in the economy
They stared at their paychecks with looks of fright,
How could they possibly afford presents to give out on Christmas night?
Our U.S Senators were snug in their taxpayer paid beds,
With visions, of Bailouts, Climate Change, and Healthcare reform dancing in there heads.
Harry Reid and Barrack Obama were talking on the phone with each other,
Plotting more ways to take away my hard earned dollars.
When out on the White House Lawn arose such a clatter,
The President walked out to see what was the matter.
Obama looked out on the lawn far and near,
And what he saws were Americans that felt anger and fear.
The moon light reflected the tears in their eyes.
As they chanted “Enough, Enough with your damn Lies!”
President Obama turn and said someone get me a phone,
He called Secret Service and said make these people go home.
The crowd left the White House frightened and dismayed,
But on they marched to the Capital full of rage.
They demanded that Congress listen to the people, not the puppet-master,
For it there is no doubt that this Health Care bill will be nothing but a disaster.
Vote Spector, Vote Lieberman, Vote Brown, Vote Nelson; vote yes on this bill,
President Obama shouted as he drove up to Capital Hill.
I am keeping score, so if you allow this to be undone,
The next time you run for office, I wish you luck on raising any funds.
Now that Christmas Eve is upon us the Senate has met
To pass a Healthcare Bill that no one could vet.
The Democrats waited with patience and glee
They finally had the votes pass this and flee
And now the President waits for the bills to merge
He hopes that this will result in an approval surge,
Little do any of these lawmakers realized what’s at hand
This is something that we will never let stand
Did they not listen this summer? The people asked
Or is they just don’t care enough to remember the past
The citizens of this country are tired and afraid,
The direction this government is taking us is clearly the wrong way.
Even with these actions all is not lost, and much is to gain,
People are rising up rather than staying on this crazy train.
They are coming together from all walks of life,
Because they understand who is causing this strife.
Rallies and Tea Parties have started all across this great nation, the people are now awake
Because despite our governments best effort we understand what is a stake
No longer will we take this government abuse of power.
Stakes are too high, and now we must fight for our rights this very hour
The ACLU and liberals can try to take our liberties and safety away,
But unlike politicians, the American people will fight this battle in every way.
Keep the Terrorist out of our nation we yell and scream,
Guantanamo Bay Cuba is where they need to be.
The Senate met under the cloak of night,
Because they know they are trampling on all our rights.
The Democrats thumbed their nose at all us all,
But come Election Day 2010 we will see who will fall
So on Christmas day let our message be heard on every radio and TV station,
The people will take back our power from this Obama-nation,
We are coming together again as one people; and this is a wonderful sight,
Merry Christmas to all, and GOD Bless us all on this solemn night!     

December 24, 2009 Posted by | Bailout, Christmas, Congress, Foreign Policy, government, Military, Money, Politics, President Obama, Tea Party | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Now it Begins

Finally the wait is over. President Obama has taken his place on this historic day as the new leader of the United States of America. The first minority to do so, which is a feat we should all celebrate. 

Lets be honest given the fact of the terrible economic situation we are in , the amount of money spent on this inauguration was absurd. I have no problem with the money spent on security for the event, but everything else was excessive. Especially given all the talk about doom and gloom with our economy. I think this event is truly worthy to celebrate but the expense is not justified. I guess it is just everyone else but the government  that should penny pinch.

We as nation need to keep careful watch of this administration. Let us not get caught up in all of the Hollywood Glamor.  We need to pay attention to President Obama’s message and his actions. He again repeated the fact that he feels it is the governments responsibility to provide for such things as universal health care and that people should look to the government for help. This didn’t work for Roosevelt and it won’t work for Obama. And let us not forget most of President Clinton’s success  came in working with a Republican Congress.

I wish him well, I hope he leads this nation in the direct it should be lead. I suspect though that him and his  liberal cronies will lead us straight down the path of socialism and bankruptcy.

January 21, 2009 Posted by | government, Politics, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Good Bye 2008, Look out for 2009.

History will look back at 2008 as one of the most historic years in our nations history. It was a year that saw the United States go through many changes and face many challenges. At the international level this maybe the year where we look back as a nation and say this was the year that signaled the beginning of the end of the United States as the lone world super power.

Looking back I can see this being the case for several reasons. The first reason is the inability of the United States to effectively keep Iran in check. Iran with its nuclear ambitions has continued to move forward with little or no resistance from the international community. Russia has stepped up to become a relevant power again. While there economy is hurting again like everyone else’s they have taken advantage of the high oil prices over the last few years and have used that money to reinvest in their military. Russia has flexed their muscle in places like Georgia and has also sent war ships to the Western Hemisphere for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis to have military exercises with Venezuela. While it appears our government has stood by and watched this with little or no response.

Even our traditional spheres of influence such as Latin and South America seem to be waning. These countries have increasingly fallen into the hands of socialist leaders.

While there is no doubt that the war in Iraq has alienated many of our allies that traditionally take a passive view to resolving conflict and take a reactionary view to defense, I think there has been a fundamental shift in world view of the United States. There are many factors including, ineffective polices, a government that actively sought to undermine the President, and a national media that had its own agenda to shape America rather than just reporting the news.

We also have to recognize that we took an important step as a nation when it came to politics. For the first time ever we had both an African-American and a woman as a viable candidates for the office of the President of the United States, and further more we elected the first African- American as President of the United States. No matter what you political party affiliation is, one has to agree that this was truly an historic moment in our nations history.

With that said though we may look back at 2008 as the year we began as a nation the move toward socialism. We have bailed out our finance sector along with our auto industry and we have done this with little oversight. President Bush has even acknowledge that while he believes in a free market economy that he was willing to jump into a little socialism to save these companies. And we have elected what is widely acknowledge as the most liberal President in American history who has been quoted in saying such things as “spread the wealth”, and that he wants universal health care; which gives us a dangerous combanation of factors pulling us toward a European socialist type of government.

This year was one of the most challenging years of my generation because ofthe state of the economy, and the collapse of the sub-prime leading market that lead to millions of people losing their homes. The stock market lost over 25% of its value and all of us lost money in our 401k’s. Companies that we thought would never close collapsed under the weight of greed and poor management. We also saw gas shoot as high as $4 a gallon and come crashing back down to $1.50 a gallon in the course of a few short months. We all have been touched in a negative way by the events over the last year.

While 2008, feel will be looked at as an historic year; I feel that 2009 will go down as a turning point for our nation. Will we willingly and blindly as a nation let our media, our leaders, and government takes us down the road of socialism? Or this will this be the year we begin to revolt as people and begin to take back our nation and hold our governments responsible for their actions. I am hoping that with the negative reactions to the government bailouts, and the slow realization by many that Obama is just another politician that we may have hit rock bottom as a nation and that the people will take back our government.

There are many issues that need to be resolved in the coming year. We live in the most challenging times that have faced this nation in decades. We the people can no longer take a passive stance like most of our politicians when it comes to solving our nations problems. We must rise up and come together as people to find a balance between dealing with international affairs and fixing our problems at  domestically. We must be willing to make sacrifices and in turn we must demand our government  make the same sacrifices without raising our taxes. Tough choices must be made and we need to demand our leaders make the choices or leave office. If we don’t 2009 maybe known as the year Socialism began in the United States of America.


January 3, 2009 Posted by | government, Money, Politics, Retirement, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Republican Leadership, Wake Up!!!

It is simply amazing and dumb founding to me that in matter of five years we have gone from the party that controlled this country to the party that seems to be clueless on what to do. Their is no doubt that we have lost our way, hopefully after this election our Republican leaders will do some soul searching and come with a plan to put this party back together.


One of the first things we must fix is the way we communicate our message. We have to do better; the liberal media isn’t going to help us we have to help ourselves. If this election cycle has proven anything it is that it takes more than Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh to get the Republican message out. The PR staff of the Republican Party has been dismal, and the best example of this is John McCain’s campaign and how they handle both John McCain and Sarah Palin.


Republicans did a poor job of using technologies such as the Internet and websites such as Facebook and Myspace to get the message out. One would have thought after the success Mike Huckabee had in this area that those that supposedly have the expertise in this party would have saw this and put a similar plan into action. Unfortunately it is obvious the Republican Party lacks leadership, and finally it is obvious to all us that we must change the leadership. I would recommend that if Mike Huckabee doesn’t plan to run for office again that he should become the new Chairman of the RNC. He has the vision and the communication skills to lead us at the national level.


We as a party need to find new leadership; we can’t keep on recycling the same old people, which is what we did with John McCain. We have to have leaders that truly believe in conservative values.  I believe that beginning in the second term of the Bush presidency he tried too much to govern from the center. The biggest example of this was the failed immigration legislation.


The most important thing we can do this next election cycle is have leaders that are not the same type of people that we have seen in the last 20 years. That is why people like Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee and to a lesser extent Mitt Romney were so appealing. Not only were they new faces on the block, they had a fundamentality conservative message and they could articulate it in a charismatic fashion.


This election was not about a referendum on liberalism. This was a continuation of a referendum on Republicans that have failed to act like Republicans. This is not a mandate for Obama to promote his radical socialistic agenda. This election is a mandate to the Republican Party. Quit acting like Democrats. We are not going to keep on sending you back to Washington to spend our hard earn money we already have Democrats for that. Until you get this message and do much better in communicating to all Americans including your conservative base, bring in new leadership, and return to the small government conservative principles especially fiscally, you can expect to lose more elections at every level of government.

November 10, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 33 Comments

Election Reflection

There is no doubt the election of Barack Obama as President is one of thee most historic elections of all time. But truthfully this election was not about Obama or McCain this election was for many Americans about making the Republicans and President Bush pay for the last eight years.


The American people have had enough of politics as usual. And I would have to say that Barack made a convincing argument that he will change the way the game is played in Washington. The question is, does he have the backbone and fortitude to do it. To be honest I doubt it, his lack of experience in Washington and in politics in general I feel will allow many people to take advantage of him especially early on in his administration. I fear he is going to owe too many people outside and inside the beltway for his dramatic rise to the top and that he will be forced to promote the agenda’s of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and special interest groups, and we will see business as usual in Washington. I hope the Obama supporters hold him as accountable for his actions as President good or bad as they did for President Bush.


The fact of the matter is that with President Bush’s dismal approval rating that the Democrats should have won this election by a landslide in the popular vote as well as the Electoral College, but that wasn’t the case. The reason I believe this is that while the country wanted change they are not completely sold on what Barack is selling. They are unsure if he is going to be the radical liberal that his record suggests or is if he is going to be  the moderate that he promoted.


John McCain was flat out the wrong candidate for this race. He was basically what Bob Dole was in 1996, the difference is that if the Republicans actually would have ran better candidate then they likely would have won. John McCain would have been better suited to be the VP candidate for Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee. The Republicans in all aspects of the campaign failed. They failed in campaign management, they failed to articulate a clear message, and they failed to motivate the conservative base that reelected President Bush in 2004.


This election is by no means a mandate of the liberal agenda. Even with the liberal bias in the media this election was far from a landslide. This election was about rejecting the Republicans pandering to the middle left. The majority of Americas want smaller government, they want lower taxes, and they want a strong military. The fact is that the Republicans of 2008 are not the Republicans of 1994 and they have paid a price for it. In the next four years I hope that Barack Obama leads this country in a way that makes us stronger at home and abroad. President-elect Obama will either be the next John F. Kennedy or the next Jimmy Carter. Lets hope for the sake of all Americans it’s the more like Kennedy that Carter.

November 6, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Why you should vote for John McCain, final thoughts.




Every time we have a Presidential Election we are told that this one is the most important one in our lifetime. Is this the case this time around? I don’t know only time will tell. It is without question one of the most historic races because of who is on the tickets. With that said lets not get caught up in all of those implications, lets get caught up in who is the best person to lead this country for the next four years.


There is no question that to the lead America you have to have a certain amount of charisma, and you have to be a great communicator. Obama has both those, but the one thing that he lacks is the most important quality to have whether you are a Republican or Democrat and that is that you must be able and ready to lead from day one. Quite frankly the only person that is qualified to do that is John McCain. Obama’s own running mate Joe Biden has alluded to the fact that Obama is not ready.


Barack has only held elected office for less than ten years, none of which is in a leadership position. John McCain’s record has shown clearly that he knows how to lead, and that he is not afraid to go against his party, i.e. his position and failed attempt to pass the immigration amnesty bill. John McCain has proven himself to be a capable President from Day 1.


Barack has truly shown a lack of understanding of what America is all about. His comments about spreading the wealth to Joe the Plummer, and bitter American’s clinging to their guns and bibles, and the recent release of an audio of Obama saying how he wants to bankrupt the coal industry prove this. Personally I don’t think bankrupting a major industry would be good for the economy, especially trying to do it artificially. Add to that the people he has been linked too. Yes this is a valid subject to bring up, yes this is something to consider, it is just as important as the economy, because when you see who people associate themselves with you begin to understand who they are. And it is quite clear the people he is linked to know matter how you try to justify it, are some of the most radical, Anti-American and racist people ever to be linked to a Presidential Candidate.


While being able to give great speeches can be an important way to gain votes in an election, I would hope we would consider something more than how well one speaks at a rally when voting for President. There is no doubt that the last eight years have been some of the most trying in our nations history, from 9/11 to Iraq to the economy, all of this has really put this country behind the eight ball. Most believe rightly or not that George Bush holds all the blame for this. On November 4, 2008 all I ask is you not look at who is the Democrat and who is the Republican on the ticket. Look at the people that are running, is John McCain perfect, no. But does Barack Obama have the background, and experience, and the ability to lead America not only when it comes to the economy, but also when it comes to the military, education, international affairs, immigration, and national security? If God forbid another 9/11 type attack happens, who do you want in office responding, a man with no leadership or military experience. Or a man with a full resume and experience that knows how and is willing to lead our nation from day one. 


The fact is if you are willing to vote with your head and not use this vote to “punish” Bush you will vote for John McCain. If you go into the booth saying to yourself I have to vote for Obama because I want change. Ask yourself, how much change and at what cost? If you hesitate on Tuesday to vote for Obama you know what you need to do, vote for John McCain, not because he is a Republican but because he is the best and most qualified candidate running for President.







November 3, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments

How low can you go Obama?

I know we have been having this discussion about Obama’s tax plan on the comments sections on my previous blogs, but I want to put this out on the for front for discussion, Obama has now gone from defining middle-class as anyone making over $250,000 and has progressively shrunk that total to now $120,000 as commented by Gov. Bill Richardson of NM. I wonder what it will be after he realizes he can’t afford all of his social programs?

November 1, 2008 Posted by | Money, Politics | , , , , , , , | 11 Comments