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Beyond Reasonable Doubt

During this election many people have argued if it matters who Barack Obama has been linked to as being friends with. Does it matter? Is it not more important to talk about what his policies and plans are if he were to become President of the United States? How can we question his Patriotism? I understand the argument on its face that we should  stick to comparing policies of the two candidates but it is also valuable to look at who he associates with when looking at his character and what he truly believes. In the world of politics especially, politicians are careful of who they associate themselves with in public. Politicians tend to associate with like-minded individuals.  Do you think there is reasonable doubt about what he truly believes? Well let’s look at the evidence.


Exhibit 1 Bill Ayers: Bill Ayers was a member of a domestic terrorist group called the Weather Underground and is self-proclaimed Marxists. He has admitted to bombing the Pentagon, U.S. Capital Building a police headquarters in NYC. He has never apologized for his actions, and in fact he said, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” His charges were dropped because of the improper way evidence was gathered by the FBI, but he readily admits these atrocities against America.

            In the mid-1990’s he held a fundraiser at his home for Obama for his State-Senate campaign. He has also served on many boards with Bill Ayers, and is living in the same neighborhood and lecturing at the same college. I am sure they have met many times informally as well.


Exhibit 2 Reverend Jeremiah Wright: Reverend Jeremiah Wright was Barack Obama’s preacher for over twenty years. He married Barack and Michelle Obama; he also baptized their children. It has been well documented the controversial, and many would say racists and Anti-American remarks Wright has made. I find it highly unlikely as Barack Obama claims that he didn’t know that Wright believed this way, especially when Obama calls Wright his spiritual advisor. If he truly did not know after 20 years what Rev. Wright believed, then that in and of itself should be enough to question his ability to lead anything.


Exhibit 3 ACORN: This organization is an ultra-left organization that has come under fire and faced criminal charges in all the swing states for voter registration fraud. Barack has represented them in court, has held the position as leadership trainer, and donated over $800,000 dollars to the organization through his campaign. He clearly knows what this organization stands for and by going to work for them one can easily conclude supports their mission.


Exhibit 4 Rashid Khalidi: Who is this guy? This guy was the former spokesman for the PLO. This organization was the terrorist organization run formerly by the late Yasser Arafat, this group is not only anti-Israel but Anti-West and Anti-American. He is known to have held fundraisers for Obama and is know to be good friends with the Obama’s while Barack and Rashid were professors at Universality of Illinois-Chicago. In fact the L.A. Times has a video of Obama toasting Khalidi at a party and at that party many Anti-Israel and Anti-West remarks were made. The L.A. Times refuses to release the tape, I wonder why? 



Many will say so what, this means nothing, I say really, do you hang out with people you disagree with on a regular basis? Do you consider them to be your spiritual advisors? Would you as a politician hold fundraisers in homes of people that you do not share any political beliefs with? I will tell you the answer even if you can’t admit it; the answer is NO!


In his book Dreams From my Father he says the following “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully,” “The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.” Don’t lie to yourself and say just because he hung out with those people it doesn’t mean that he believes it. If he doesn’t but he chose to constantly surrond himself with people that he doesn’t share the same political veiws just because he doesn’t want to be viewed as a sell out, you have to wonder what kind of back bone does he have? For those of you that are going to bring up the Keating 5 thing with McCain, he was cleared of all charges by a Democrat controlled Congress and we have not heard of one negative association since, even by the left wing Obama crazed media


This topic of who he associated with is fair game and the American people need to think long and hard about it.This is not fear mongering or smear tactics, these associations are undisputable facts, he knows these people and organizations. People say well that’s not fair because that is guilt by association. I say  these associations go right to the core of what he beilievs and what direction  he will lead this country in. Is Obama a Socialist, I don’t know? Is Obama a Markist, I don’t know?If this was just one association we were talking about I would agree that this is a non-issue, but I have named at least four associations not couting Tony Rezko, and lets not forget his comments to Joe the Plummer about “spreading the wealth” .


I do know if this was a civil trial  the proponderence of evidence is there. If this was a criminal trial this would qualify as beyond reasonable doubt. Is the jury of the American electorit going to do like the jurors did the O.J. trial and turn a blind eye and find Obama not guilty? I guess we will find out November 4,2008


October 29, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 24 Comments